It is hard for me to believe that in just four short months I will be forty years old. What is even harder to believe is how badly I have let myself go. I am so busy trying to take care of the kids, the house, blog and a million other things that I always put myself last. I have gained a lot of weight and have been on a lot of diets only to quickly gain the weight back and more when I fall off the wagon. As the only vegetarian in the house, I make myself a separate meal to everyone else and end up eating way too many processed foods. This has to change and so do the excuses. Yes, I have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) but I don’t have to let PCOS have me. Yes, I am stressed and am a stress eater but I don’t have to let the stress consume EVERYTHING. Yes, I LOVE my kids and my husband and will do ANYTHING for them but if I continue to not take care of myself what good am I doing them?
I hurt my back and one of my knees years ago in a car accident and I have tendonitis in both ankles. I have always managed to deal with the pain but it has been getting worse. Of course it has. Try walking around with a 70 pound backpack all the time and see what toll it takes on your body. Yes, I am admitting it. I have a total of 70 pounds to lose. I know that isn’t achievable by the time I hit forty years old, but forty could be IF I stop with the excuses. There comes a point when you have to realize that you cannot be Superwoman and I have come to this point now.
Do any of you have a lot of weight to lose too? If so, lets encourage each other. We CAN do it if we are strong. Today, I am restarting my diet and exercise plan but making changes. During this first week, I am going to concentrate mainly on diet and attempt some yoga and a walk daily. Next week, I will be starting a more intense exercise regime. I will be following a low carb diet and will share more details soon.
I have 50 lbs to lose and for the last 3 months haven’t done a thing about it! I’m sick of the way I look and feel. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time but where do I find the time. I remember a Pastor saying, “you will find time to do the things that you want to do.” I’m guessing I haven’t put this on the priority list. 🙁
Same here Joey and unfortunately this is one of the things that should be top priority. A lot of other things can wait and if we lose the weight, we will more than likely have more energy so we can still accomplish the other things that we bumped off the priority list in order to achieve this (if that makes sense lol)